Top 5 Meaningful and Heart-Centered Gifts

Is there someone on your list that you forgot to get something for… (you?!)A meaningful gift that will take you far beyond the holiday season. What could be a better gift than inner freedom?

Here is a list of my TOP 5 MEANINGFUL AND HEART-CENTERED GIFTS for you or others this holiday season and beyond.

1. The Plentitude Collection by Karine Bedard~Beautiful artwork that I use as a powerful visual to connect to myself and create my day.…/plenitude-collection/…

2. Little Friends in my Heart by Dominique Giroux~A children’s book with beautiful illustrations that can be enjoyed by all ages. A must-have in every home library!

3. “What if Money Was Your Best Friend” by Sylvie Olivier~An online self-paced home study course that connects you to your source of true Prosperity.…/what-if-money…/ref/61/

4. Lifetones by VoxAnna~Customized songs personalized for you that allow your system to “wake up” to your unique gifts.

5. Opening with Dr. Nicole~A remote energy reading and virtual alignment for you to allow a new reality to emerge by connecting to the real you.

What are you creating in 2022?

Feelings Not Healings

The emotional body is included in our work, although sometimes people separate it from the physical body as if they are two different things. Yes, emotions get trapped in the same way a physical misalignment from a slip, fall or accident can.

To some, this is mind-blowing, while others live it as their reality first-hand. The emotion will get trapped if you are not willing to feel it or acknowledge it when it comes up on some level. This is why some people cry during or after an adjustment or feel more emotional, overall. This is a beautiful release that the body makes so that you can feel lighter.

The body is fluid in its natural state and is always ready to release what is no longer serving you.

Why does my neck hurt?

As chiropractors, people often ask why they have neck pain.  If we find that there is misalignment in the spine during our examination, that is oftentimes the reason for pain in the neck area.  Sometimes there has been a history of car accidents or sports injuries.  Improper posture and poor posture overall, also are contributing factors. 

Misalignments in the neck area lead to tight and inflamed muscles that remain in a chronic state of stress, which can make one feel as though they can never relax.

Neck pain stemming from misalignments of the cervical vertebrae can contribute to common ailments like headaches, sinus problems, and sleep issues. Irritability can also occur, which surprises most people when they learn this can be a reason for the low mood one can experience. 

The reason that neck pain can affect so many different areas of your life is because of where the nerves in this part of your spine travel.  Some go to the head, thus creating a headache, while others to the sinus area wreaking havoc on the allergic response.

It’s important to remember that symptoms are information as to how our bodies are functioning.  If you have a new symptom and it’s interfering with any part of your life, get it checked out.

What pain in the body wants you to know.

Pain of any kind – acute or chronic – in the body is just information.  The information it gives us varies from person to person, as we are all unique.  In order to decipher and decode the information the body is giving us, we need to understand its language.  The body speaks to us in feelings and sensations – if it didn’t, we wouldn’t feel anything at all.

Taking time to pause and tune in to your unique body and the message it’s giving you is an important step in being able to understand its process.  The body is infinitely wise and wants to get rid of things that are no longer necessary in the most direct and efficient way possible. 

For some, this may be a cold and for others it may be a stomach bug.  Whatever way your body expresses itself can be honored by the simple act of appreciating its wisdom.  

This simple act can allow things to move through the body with grace and ease, as it sends a powerful message to each of your cells that you trust it to do its job.  It is also from this state that you can know from your own wisdom if there would be something you can do to support yourself during the process, like taking Vitamin C or receiving a chiropractic adjustment.

It takes practice to listen to your body and understand what it wants you to know.  Follow this link if you’d like some assistance.